PHP Klasse für SNMP Zugriff
.. und noch eine kleine PHP-Klasse, welche gerade bei Netzwerkgeräten (Procurve Switches) jegliche Informationen abgreifen und auch setzen kann.
Die Klasse ist in der Lage, die korrekten Credentials für ein Device „durchzuprobieren“ und somit auch funktional in „Legacy“-Umgebungen.
Grundlegender Zugriff:
$z = new MySNMP(); $z->checkCredentials();
… nun werden alle definierten Credentials „durchprobiert“ und, falls ein Zugriff stattfinden kann, die korrekten in den Variablen …
STRING: $z->version STRING: $z->community (für v1/v2) STRING: $z->sec_name (für v3) STRING: $z->auth_passphrase (für v3) STRING: $z->priv_passphrase (für v3)
… abgelegt.
Das Skript, bzw. die Klasse sieht so aus:
<?php // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NETWORK DEVICES - SNMP COMMUNICATION // // This class fetches snmp information from network devices, // or is able to push some default settings to devices. // Within run, this class will check several access parameters, // so that legacy environments will work :-) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Initial Author: // Simon Brecht // simon(a) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CHANGELOG: // // v0.1 // 04.09.2016, Brecht - Initial Script // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BUGLIST: // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MySNMP { public $host = ''; public $version = 2; public $community = 'public'; public $sec_name = ''; public $sec_level = 'authPriv'; public $auth_protocol = 'SHA'; public $auth_passphrase = ''; public $priv_protocol = 'DES'; public $priv_passphrase= ''; public $timeout = 6000000; public $timeoutscan = 50000; public $retries = 3; public function checkCredentials() { // Communities to Try $v2_credentials = array("community1", "community2", "community3"); // Array for v3 $v3_sec_name[0] = 'v3-user'; $v3_sec_level[0] = 'authPriv'; $v3_auth_protocol[0] = 'SHA'; $v3_auth_passphrase[0] = 'v3-pass1'; $v3_priv_protocol[0] = 'DES'; $v3_priv_passphrase[0] = 'v3-pass2'; $tryoid = "."; $_found = false; // First try v3, than v2 for($i=0; $i<count($v3_sec_name); $i++) { if(!$_found) { print("* Trying Credential: " . $v3_sec_name[$i] . "\n"); if(snmp3_get($this->host, $v3_sec_name[$i], $v3_sec_level[$i], $v3_auth_protocol[$i], $v3_auth_passphrase[$i], $v3_priv_protocol[$i], $v3_priv_passphrase[$i], $tryoid, $this->timeoutscan, 1)) { $this->version = 3; $this->sec_name = $v3_sec_name[$i]; $this->sec_level = $v3_sec_level[$i]; $this->auth_protocol = $v3_auth_protocol[$i]; $this->auth_passphrase = $v3_auth_passphrase[$i]; $this->priv_protocol = $v3_priv_protocol[$i]; $this->priv_passphrase = $v3_priv_passphrase[$i]; $_found = true; print("* Found Credential: ". $this->sec_name . "\n"); } } } // Than try v2 for($i=0; $i<count($v2_credentials); $i++) { if(!$_found) { print("* Trying Credential: " . $v2_credentials[$i] . "\n"); if(snmp2_get($this->host, $v2_credentials[$i], $tryoid, $this->timeoutscan, 1)) { $this->version = 2; $this->community = $v2_credentials[$i]; $_found = true; print("* Found Credential: " . $this->community . "\n"); } } } // Than try v1 for($i=0; $i<count($v2_credentials); $i++) { if(!$_found) { print("* Trying Credential: " . $v2_credentials[$i] . "\n"); if(snmpget($this->host, $v2_credentials[$i], $tryoid, $this->timeoutscan, 1)) { $this->version = 1; $this->community = $v2_credentials[$i]; $_found = true; print("* Found Credential: " . $this->community . "\n"); } } } return $_found; } public function get_credential() { if($this->version<3) $credential = $this->community; if($this->version>2) $credential = $this->sec_name; return $credential; } // ========================================================================== // Global Host Information // // EXAMPLE // ========================================================================== // Array // ( // "{Hostname}" // "{Description}" // "{Location}" // "{Contact}" // "{Routing enabled?}" // "{Services}" // "{Procurve Serial}" // ) // ========================================================================== public function get_host_info() { $infos = array(".",".",".",".",".",".","."); $ret = array(); foreach($infos as $info) { $result = ""; if($this->version<3) $result = snmpget($this->host, $this->community, $info, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $result = snmp3_get($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $info, $this->timeout, $this->retries); $result = str_replace("STRING:","",$result); $result = str_replace("INTEGER:","",$result); $result = str_replace('"', "", $result); $result = trim($result); array_push($ret,$result); } return $ret; } // ========================================================================== // ROUTING: HP PROCURVE | RFC Routing Table // // EXAMPLE // ========================================================================== // [] => Array // ( // [ipRouteDest] => // [ipRouteIfIndex] => 296 // [ipRouteMetric1] => 250 // [ipRouteMetric2] => 0 // [ipRouteMetric3] => -1 // [ipRouteMetric4] => -1 // [ipRouteNextHop] => // [ipRouteType] => indirect(4) // [ipRouteProto] => netmgmt(3) // [ipRouteAge] => 18912655 // [ipRouteMask] => // [ipRouteMetric5] => -1 // [ipRouteInfo] => OID: SNMPv2-SMI::zeroDotZero // ) // ========================================================================== public function get_routing_rfc1213() { $oid = "."; if($this->version<3) $table = snmprealwalk($this->host, $this->community, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $table = snmp3_real_walk($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); while($value = current($table)) { preg_match('/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', key($table), $route_dst); $attr = str_replace("RFC1213-MIB::","",key($table)); $attr = str_replace("." . $route_dst[0],"",$attr); $val = str_replace("INTEGER:", "", $value); $val = str_replace("IpAddress:", "", $val); $val = trim($val); $route[$route_dst[0]][$attr] = $val; next($table); } return $route; } // ========================================================================== // ROUTING: CISCO | RFC ipCidrRoute Table // // EXAMPLE // ========================================================================== // [] => Array // ( // [ipCidrRouteDest] => // [ipCidrRouteMask] => // [ipCidrRouteTos] => 0 // [ipCidrRouteNextHop] => // [ipCidrRouteIfIndex] => 0 // [ipCidrRouteType] => remote(4) // [ipCidrRouteProto] => bgp(14) // [ipCidrRouteAge] => 448733 // [ipCidrRouteInfo] => OID: SNMPv2-SMI::zeroDotZero // [ipCidrRouteNextHopAS] => 0 // [ipCidrRouteStatus] => active(1) // ) // ========================================================================== public function get_routing_rfc2096() { $oid = "."; if($this->version<3) $table = snmprealwalk($this->host, $this->community, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $table = snmp3_real_walk($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); while($value = current($table)) { preg_match('/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/', key($table), $route_dst); preg_match('/([0-9]+\.)+[0-9]+/', key($table), $remove); $attr = str_replace("IP-FORWARD-MIB::","",key($table)); $attr = str_replace("." . $remove[0],"",$attr); $val = str_replace("INTEGER:", "", $value); $val = str_replace("IpAddress:", "", $val); $val = str_replace("STRING:", "", $val); $val = trim($val); $route[$route_dst[0]][$attr] = $val; next($table); } return $route; } // ========================================================================== // ARP-TABLE: Global | RFC ipNetToMediaPhysAddress Table // // EXAMPLE // ========================================================================== // [] => Array // ( // [ipNetToMediaPhysAddress] => 00:70:4D:38:3E:F2 // ) // ========================================================================== public function get_arp_rfc4293() { $oid = "."; if($this->version<3) $table = snmprealwalk($this->host, $this->community, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $table = snmp3_real_walk($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); while($value = current($table)) { preg_match('/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', key($table), $ipaddr); preg_match('/([0-9]+\.)+[0-9]+/', key($table), $remove); $attr = str_replace("IP-MIB::", "", key($table)); $attr = str_replace("." . $remove[0], "", $attr); $val = str_replace("INTEGER:", "", $value); $val = str_replace("IpAddress:", "", $val); $val = str_replace("STRING:", "", $val); $val = strtoupper(trim($val)); $val_c = explode(":", $val); for($i=0; $i<count($val_c); $i++) { if(strlen($val_c[$i])<2) { $val_c[$i] .= "0"; } } $val = implode(":", $val_c); $arp[$ipaddr[0]][$attr] = $val; next($table); } return $arp; } // ========================================================================== // INTERFACE-TABLE: Global | RFC ifDescr Table // // EXAMPLE // ========================================================================== // [6] => Array // ( // [ifDescr] => GigabitEthernet0 // [ifAlias] => DEFAULT_VLAN // ) // ========================================================================== public function get_interface_rfc1213() { $oid = "."; if($this->version<3) $table = snmprealwalk($this->host, $this->community, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $table = snmp3_real_walk($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); while($value = current($table)) { preg_match('/[0-9]+$/', key($table), $ifindex); $attr = str_replace("IF-MIB::", "", key($table)); $attr = str_replace("." . $ifindex[0], "", $attr); $val = str_replace("INTEGER:", "", $value); $val = str_replace("IpAddress:", "", $val); $val = str_replace("STRING:", "", $val); $iface[$ifindex[0]][$attr] = $val; next($table); } $table = array(); $oid = "."; if($this->version<3) $table = snmprealwalk($this->host, $this->community, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $table = snmp3_real_walk($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); while($value = current($table)) { preg_match('/[0-9]+$/', key($table), $ifindex); $attr = str_replace("IF-MIB::", "", key($table)); $attr = str_replace("." . $ifindex[0], "", $attr); $val = str_replace("INTEGER:", "", $value); $val = str_replace("IpAddress:", "", $val); $val = str_replace("STRING:", "", $val); $iface[$ifindex[0]][$attr] = $val; next($table); } return $iface; } // ========================================================================== // MAC-TABLE: Global | RFC dot1dTpFdbAddress Table // // EXAMPLE // ========================================================================== // [FC:3F:DB:FA:44:D8] => Array // ( // [dot1dTpFdbAddress] => // ) // ========================================================================== public function get_mac_rfc4188() { $oid = "."; if($this->version<3) $table = snmprealwalk($this->host, $this->community, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $table = snmp3_real_walk($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); while($value = current($table)) { preg_match('/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', key($table), $macindex); $attr = str_replace("SNMPv2-SMI::mib-", "dot1dTpFdbAddress", key($table)); $attr = str_replace("." . $macindex[0], "", $attr); $val = str_replace("Hex-STRING:", "", $value); $val = strtoupper(trim($val)); $val_c = explode(" ", $val); $val = implode(":", $val_c); $mac[$val][$attr] = $macindex[0]; next($table); } return $mac; } // ========================================================================== // CAM-TABLE: Global | RFC dot1dTpFdbPort Table // // EXAMPLE // ========================================================================== // [11] => Array // ( // [0] => // [1] => // ) // ========================================================================== public function get_cam_rfc4188() { $oid = "."; if($this->version<3) $table = snmprealwalk($this->host, $this->community, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $table = snmp3_real_walk($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); $cam = array(); while($value = current($table)) { preg_match('/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', key($table), $macindex); $val = str_replace("INTEGER:", "", $value); $val = trim($val); if(array_key_exists($val, $cam)) { array_push($cam[$val], $macindex[0]); } else { $cam[$val][0] = $macindex[0]; } next($table); } return $cam; } // ========================================================================== // LLDP-TABLE: Global | Procurve Specific // // EXAMPLE // ========================================================================== // [11] => Array // ( // [0] => // ) // ========================================================================== public function get_lldp_partner() { $oid = ".1.0.8802."; if($this->version<3) $table = snmprealwalk($this->host, $this->community, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) $table = snmp3_real_walk($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $oid, $this->timeout, $this->retries); $lldp = array(); while($value = current($table)) { preg_match('/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', key($table), $partner); $val = str_replace("iso.0.8802.", "",key($table)); preg_match('/^[0-9]+/', $val, $ifindex); $val = $ifindex[0]; if(array_key_exists($val, $lldp)) { array_push($lldp[$val], $partner[0]); } else { $lldp[$val][0] = $partner[0]; } next($table); } return $lldp; } // ========================================================================== // Set some Defaults to Procurve Switches, // run without any arguments. // ========================================================================== public function set_defaults() { $defaults = array(array(".", "i", "1"), // hpicfDownloadTftpConfig = disable array(".", "i", "2"), // hpicfDownloadTftpServerConfig = disable array(".", "i", "1") // hpSwitchSshFileServerAdminStatus = enable ); foreach($defaults as $option) { try { if($this->version<3) snmpset($this->host, $this->community, $option[0], $option[1], $option[2], $this->timeout, $this->retries); if($this->version>2) snmp3_set($this->host, $this->sec_name, $this->sec_level, $this->auth_protocol, $this->auth_passphrase, $this->priv_protocol, $this->priv_passphrase, $option[0], $option[1], $option[2], $this->timeout, $this->retries); } catch(Exception $e) { print("Could not set SNMP-Settings, Error: ".$e); } } } } ?>